Quick and easy online enrolments
Fast facts -article summary.
Enrol in 2 ways:
- Add a child instantly from the waitlist
- Enter child details into children's page

To add a new child to your service, go to the ‘Add Child’ button at the bottom of your screen.
This window will then appear:
Ensure that all of the required information is completed:
Child first and surname, Child DOB, Child CRN (if you have it).
If the family already attends the centre select Yes for 'Does this child belong to an existing family?' and then choose the Family ID that is associated with that family. If not, select No and put in the parents information.
Chose the enrolment start date, if the child is not already attending you will need to submit the enrolment notice once they actually start care with you.
Select the ‘Session Type’ - Routine, Casual or Routine and Casual.
Please ensure the Parent Listed as Parent 1 is the Individual claiming CCSS through Centrelink.
Complete the session information and once all complete press ‘Submit’
Alternatively your families can add the child directly via the unique URL for your service.
Want to say hello?
If you’re an existing client of ours (or perhaps you are new to us) and are interested in learning more about HubWorks please contact us on 1300 769 110.
Enrol in 2 ways:
- Add a child instantly from the waitlist
- Enter child details into children's page